Have you been to a GP surgery as a patient, parent, carer or friend? Are you interested in gaining a better understanding of how the NHS works? Wentworth 1 Primary Care Network would like to start a new PPG across all 7 GP surgeries in our network.

Your experiences matter and you can bring different ideas to the surgery to help us treat patients better or to improve what we do in some way.
The aim is the influence the way services are delivered by the practices; we will hold meetings to discuss what is happening in these practices and across the network of services we provide.

How often do we meet?

We meet across different locations to ensure the group is accessible for patients across the network but not too often. We know that you are busy, so we meet only a few times per year and hope that you can join us.
If you can’t make meetings then don’t worry – we offer a virtual group.
The aim is the influence the way services are delivered by the practices; we will hold meetings to discuss what is happening in these practices and across the network of services we provide.
If you would like further information contact us:
PCN Team on: 01709 283826
Email: syicb-rotherham.wentworth1.pcn@nhs.net.
Alternatively speak to someone at your GP practice!